Graduate Assistantship Classifications
The following guidelines are to be followed:
For a position to be classified as a graduate assistant and for the employee to be eligible for tuition benefits, the duties performed must directly contribute to the graduate student’s program of study. The graduate assistant must perform duties under the supervision of at least one faculty member and/or university employee experienced in the discipline.The University offers assistantships to enrolled, degree seeking graduate students as follows:
Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs)
Classifications, benefits, and approval process. Please note: students actively employed in assistantships positions in AY 2019/2020 may be reclassified; however, they will remain eligible for Graduate College tuition waivers and health insurance through 2023/2024 under the 2013 Tuition Benefits Policy.
Job Profile | Job Code | Position Responsibilities | Position FTE | Hiring Dept Funding Req | Graduate College/Provost Funding Req | Approval Process |
Graduate Teaching Associate - Instructor of Record, Credentialed | GTA1 | Instructor of record for undergraduate courses in the specific discipline in which the student has the graduate-level expertise required for credentialing. | 0.5 FTE (20 hours/week) | Term Stipend | 100% Tuition Waiver; 75% Health Insurance | Graduate College/Provost must approve all GTA positions prior to written offers. |
Graduate Teaching Assistant - Instructor, Not Credentialed | GTA2 | The student may assist a faculty member in any aspect of course instruction, although not as the instructor of record. New and continuing students that cannot yet be credentialed as instructor of record for a course may be assigned in this profile. Other examples may include assisting faculty with instruction for lab courses, discussion/recitation sessions, theatre lab. | 0.5 FTE (20 hours/week) | Term Stipend | 100% Tuition Waiver; 75% Health Insurance | Graduate College/Provost must approve all GTA positions prior to written offers. |
Graduate Teaching Assistant - Grader/Other | GTA3 | Assisting a faculty member in the non-instructional aspects of course teaching. The student may have no direct instructional contact with students. Examples include grading papers and technology support for online course design. | 0.5 FTE (20 hours/week) | Term Stipend | 100% Tuition Waiver; 75% Health Insurance | Graduate College/Provost must approve all GTA positions prior to written offers. |
Graduate Teaching Assistant - Tutor | GTA4 | Academic tutors hired by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies or other colleges (e.g., tutors working for the Math Learning Center, Science Learning Center, Athletics) with stipends from academic college budgets. | 0.5 FTE (20 hours/week) | Term Stipend | 100% Tuition Waiver; 75% Health Insurance | Graduate College/Provost must approve all GTA positions prior to written offers. |
Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs)
Classifications, benefits, and approval process. Please note: students actively employed in assistantships positions in AY 2019/2020 may be reclassified; however, they will remain eligible for Graduate College tuition waivers and health insurance through 2023/2024 under the 2013 Tuition Benefits Policy.
Job Profile | Job Code | Position Responsibilities | Position FTE | Hiring Dept Funding Req | Graduate College/Provost Funding Req | Approval Process |
Graduate Research Assistant - Externally Funded | GRA1 | Performs research duties under the supervision of an appropriate faculty member or FAU administrator. Such research duties may include, but are not limited to, assisting in lab research, community‐based research activities, developing research and evaluation surveys, and data collection and analysis. If allowed by the funding source, the Principal Investigator(s) shall budget for research assistants at the in-state tuition rate. Should a non-Florida resident be employed, the non-resident fee will be funded by the university’s tuition waiver budget. | 0.5 FTE (20 hours/week) | Term Stipend | 100% Tuition Waiver; 75% Health Insurance | Graduate College/Provost and the Division of Research must approve all GRA positions prior to written offers. |
Graduate Research Assistant - Internally Funded | GRA2 | Performs research duties under the supervision of an appropriate faculty member or FAU administrator. Such research duties may include, but are not limited to, assisting in lab research, community‐based research activities, developing research and evaluation surveys, and data collection and analysis. If the position is approved, it is the responsibility of the hiring unit to provide 100% tuition benefits and a competitive stipend; Health Insurance will be provided by the Graduate College/Provost. | 0.5 FTE (20 hours/week) | Term Stipend; 100% Tuition Waiver | 75% Health Insurance | Graduate College/Provost and the Division of Research must approve all GRA positions prior to written offers. |
Graduate Assistants (GAs)
Classifications, benefits, and approval process. Please note: students actively employed in assistantships positions in AY 2019/2020 may be reclassified; however, they will remain eligible for Graduate College tuition waivers and health insurance through 2023/2024 under the 2013 Tuition Benefits Policy.
Job Profile | Job Code | Position Responsibilities | Position FTE | Hiring Dept Funding Req | Graduate College/Provost Funding Req | Approval Process |
Graduate Administrative Assistant - Academic | GA1 | Graduate Students hired as Director, Assoc., or Asst. Director, Graduate & Professional Students Association (GPSA) by Student Affairs. Others positions must be approved the Graduate College Dean. GA1’s would be eligible to receive a tuition waiver from Academic Affairs. Duties performed must directly contribute to the graduate student’s program of study. Approvals are subject to available funding and alignment with FAU's Strategic Plan. | 0.5 FTE (20 hours/week) | Term Stipend | 100% Tuition Waiver; 75% Health Insurance | Graduate College Dean must approve all GA positions prior to written offers. |
Graduate Assistant - Non-Academic | GA2 | Graduate Students employed in any non-academic administrative unit of the University that performs professional duties outside of teaching or research assignments. If the position is approved, it is the responsibility of the hiring unit to provide 100% tuition benefits and a competitive stipend; Health Insurance will be provided by the Graduate College/Provost. | 0.5 FTE (20 hours/week) | Term Stipend; 100% Tuition Waiver | 75% Health Insurance | Graduate College Dean must approve all GA positions prior to written offers. |
Graduate Student Workers (GSWs)
Classifications, benefits, and approval process. Please note, GSW positions are not considered assistantships.
Job Profile | Job Code | Position Responsibilities | Position FTE | Hiring Dept Funding Req | Graduate College/Provost Funding Req | Approval Process |
Graduate Student Worker | GSW | Performs clerical or other duties in any administrative unit of the University. | May vary, not to exceed 0.5 FTE (20 hours/week) | Hourly Stipend | None | At the descretion of the hiring department. Tuition waiver and health insurance are not provided for GSWs. |
To download the Graduate Student Assistantship Classification Guide, click here.
Contact Us
For additional information about these guidelines, please contact Graduate College Assistant Dean, Operations Management, Finance, and Information Technology, Sameko Munroe, at or 561-297-2428.